Veterans Disability Lawyers | VA Disability Appeals
Veterans Disability Lawyers | VA Disability Appeals
Fighting For Those Who Fought For Us First
Fighting For Those Who Fought For Us First

VA Benefits Attorneys
The U.S military maintains a sacred commitment to leave no one behind on the battlefield. However, once veterans shed their uniforms and leave the military for civilian life, many are left behind by our country's institutions. 13 percent of America's homeless served in her armed forces. Too often, our veterans receive little to no help with treating mental and physical disabilities sustained in service. These brave men and women struggle to manage chronic pain and other service-related injuries while simultaneously grappling with mental illnesses like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which can lead towards substance abuse. Facing a diminished capacity to work and the psychological challenges of readjusting to and navigating civilian life, it can be extremely difficult for veterans to access proper health care and pay their bills without aid.
Veterans often have to fight through the layers of corruption and bureaucracy in the Department of Veterans Affairs to obtain the financial compensation they're entitled to. After a lengthy process of paperwork and hoop-jumping, veterans often see their legitimate claims denied for invalid reasons, with filing an appeal their only recourse. It’s deeply demoralizing to risk your life for your country, only for your country to turn its back on you when you're at your most vulnerable. At Wettermark Keith, we understand the pain and frustration you’re going through, and we want to represent you to get the help you deserve.
Let Our Veteran Disability Lawyers Fight for You.
Are you a veteran suffering from a disability sustained by your service in the military? You no longer have to suffer alone. Let us help you in your fight to obtain the VA disability benefits you deserve.

You Don’t Have
To Do This Alone
We’ll Help You with Your Veterans Disability Claim Appeals
At Wettermark Keith, our primary goal in representing VA clients is to ensure they get the best compensation possible. This can be in terms of financial benefits, medical coverage, insurance, or any other form of compensation that helps you manage your disability and take care of your family. Unlike other firms that promise you legal aid to help with your case but fail to deliver, Wettermark Keith attorneys keep their word - we only take on a limited number of clients to ensure the best representation possible.
Don’t just settle for a standard lawyer
It is absolutely essential that you find an outstanding lawyer for your veterans disability claims and appeals. After all, the results of your claim will make up a substantial part of your livelihood. Wettermark Keith attorneys are highly successful in handling VA claims and appeals. We understand each veteran’s case is different and are able to develop a unique plan for each in order to obtain the best outcome possible. Excellent representation by our attorneys will increase your chances of getting your claim and appeal approved, while ensuring you receive compensation for your sacrifices.

Why Choose
Wettermark Keith Attorneys?

We Help Veterans
Get the VA Disability Benefits They Deserve
Types of Benefits for Ex-Military Personnel:
The department of Veterans Affairs has several programs providing medical, financial, and other forms of assistance to veterans. You can apply to any of the available programs to get the following benefits:

Service Connected
Disability Compensation
This refers to a tax-free monthly payment offered to veterans who suffered an injury or disability in the course of their service. To qualify for these benefits you need to prove that your injuries happened after you enrolled, and thus are not your fault.

Connected Pension
This is a disability compensation offered to veterans with conditions that existed before enrollment but were significantly aggravated by their time in service. Since the US government is not at fault for the initial injuries and disabilities, it imposes stricter requirements for these veterans benefits.

Widows and Widowers
of Deceased Veterans
The VA offers compensation in the form of survivors pension to widows and widowers of deceased veterans provided they meet certain criteria such as:
Most Common
Physical & Mental Disabilities
Understanding some of the main disabilities claimed by veterans can help you start the process of claiming your disabilities—both mental and physical.
Keep in mind there are other disabilities you can claim besides those listed below. This is just the tip of the iceberg of disabilities and the range with which you can claim within your benefits.
Be sure to research what disabilities can be claimed and how much depending on the circumstance.
Tinnitus is a condition where veterans hear persistent phantom ringing, buzzing, whistling, chipping, or hissing noises in one or both ears. Veterans who experienced combat or worked in fields such as aeronautics are highly susceptible to this disability due to the nature of their work.
This refers to hearing loss that affects both ears. It usually affects veterans who experienced war and combat, and can either occur gradually or come on suddenly, depending on whether the individual had any other underlying illnesses.
Short for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, this psychiatric disorder is brought about by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event such as a serious accident, war, or combat. PTSD is ranked among the top psychological issues affecting veterans and is usually characterized by intense flash backs, anxiety, combative/protective behavior, difficulty establishing trust, and loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, to name a few.
In general, veterans exposed to war and combat who have sustained multiple injuries from fires or explosions are more likely to have burn scars, with negative body image as a result. This places them at a higher risk for depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, among other mental illnesses.
This disability is characterized by a deformity that occurs around the knee, resulting in an inability to straighten or bend the knee fully. To determine a percent disability rating and the consequent the amount of compensation issued, the VA uses an instrument called a goniometer to assess the range of motion of the veterans’ knees.
This injury, caused by repeated trauma and overuse, affects the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the neck and lower back, leading to pain and limited mobility. Veterans unable to work or hold down employment due to service-connected lumber and cervical strains can apply for special monthly VA disability compensation as well as total disability benefits based on individual unemployability.
Paralysis of the sciatic nerve can occur due to direct trauma or inappropriate use of tools. For veterans who are engaged in combat this often implies improper handling of weapons of war. This injury leads to debilitating pain in the lower back, coupled with a tingling, burning sensation that extends down one of the legs.
This common veteran injury causes joint restriction that hinders mobility and prevents the ankle from bearing weight. Symptoms include pain around the ankle, swelling, bruising, walking with a limp, and loss of balance. occurs on the ankle that causes joint restriction thus hindering mobility and preventing the ankle from performing its weight-bearing function. Common systems for veterans include pain around the ankle, swelling, bruising, walking with a limp, and loss of balance.
Veterans who are often exposed to excessive noise - as well as intense and stressful situations - can develop traumatic brain injury. This injury can severely downgrade your quality of life with frequent migraines and headaches. To be eligible for VA disability benefits, veterans must provide medical records from a qualified medical professional who diagnoses migraines.
Veterans who suffer trauma to the arms are at a high risk of developing weakness and nerve damage that severely restricts the movement of their arms. A medical test performed by the VA can assess the extent to which veterans can raise both their dominant and non-dominant arms.

Let our Veterans Disability Lawyers Help You
Contact Wettermark Keith Today
Are you a veteran who suffers from any of the above physical and mental disabilities? Let us help you with your claim.
We have a deep understanding of the VA application and appeal process and are determined to guide you to the best outcome possible. When applying or appealing for VA disability insurance and other forms of compensation you need the most experienced veterans disability attorney to represent you and increase your chances of success. Take the first step and contact us today to chat with our attorneys and gain access to our vast resources. Wettermark Keith is ready to help you get the medical and financial assistance you need, and we look forward to serving you like you served us.